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Did someone leave an imprint on your life?

By grandparenting 11 years ago5 Comments

My grandmother’s example of her faith in Jesus Christ to see her through the difficult times in life made a significant imprint on my life.

While I was attending college in her town, I had many opportunities to visit my
widowed grandmother often. She shared with me that in her loneliness she was
placing her trust in God to care for her by claiming the promise Jesus gave His disciples after His resurrection. “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world” Matthew 28:20 (KJV

My grandmother’s faith that God would always be there for her made a great impact on my life. Her testimony influenced me to incorporate that verse into my daily experiences. Since those early adult years, whenever life has been difficult, disappointing, or downright discouraging, I have claimed that same scripture verse. My prayer is that I will have opportunities to reflect my life experiences of trusting God during my difficult times to my children and grandchildren.

In Proverbs 27:19 we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.” We glorify God when we reveal or manifest his character by the way we live by demonstrating God’s love to those around us. When we meditate on God’s Word and grow in our relationship with God, we will reflect God’s glory as we are being transformed into His image.

I am very thankful for the lasting impression my grandmother imprinted on my life as she reflected her faith in trusting God’s provision to sustain her during her difficult times. Grandparents who love the Lord have a responsibility to reflect a godly life to their grandchildren. When we reflect God’s love to our grandchildren and they are walking with the Lord, our love for God will keep on living through our grandchildren and future generations.

Ask yourself:

What does the reflection of my life look like to my grandchildren?

Do I want my grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?

Will they want my Jesus?

Pray that your love for God will keep on living through your grandchildren, even after you are deceased.


Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to be in
Your Word
 or modeled the life of a godly grandparent.

Lord, help me develop an intimate relationship with you.

 I want to be able to reflect your face in the heart

of my dear grandchildren and future generations.

In Jesus name.

Please share in the comments about the imprint someone left on your life.




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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.


  • Ele says:

    Thank you for sharing regarding your own grandmother. You are GREATLY BLESSED to have had such a godly influence in your lfie, esp from your grandmother. As a “Nona” now I am sharing w/ my 7 grandchildren the importance of CHOICE…GOOD choices, a theme through-out the Living Word. May that thought linger w/them long after I have left them and have stepped into Eternity.
    I appreciate you and your thoughts.
    Alongside, Ele

  • Ele, thank you for the comment. May God bless you as you imprint God’s love on your grandcohildren.

  • Gwen Colfer says:

    The depth of my faith today is directly attributable to my maternal grandmother, my mother, and her three sisters (my aunts) who left me a deep legacy of love for the Lord, and especially for an inclination to listen for Holy Spirit’s wisdom when seeking answers to difficulties. Their prayer lives were awesome examples to me! And I am deeply grateful.

    Accordingly, my husband and I work ceaselessly on passing on the faith to our grandchildren ~ primarily through the inspiration that we have acquired through participating in four weeks of GrandCamp for the past four years. LOTS of inspiration in that experience! I urge all grandparents to consider participating with their grandchildren in that wonderful program which information can be found by Googling Christian Grandparenting Network.

  • Lee McVay says:

    I so appreciate what you have invested in your grandchildren…and received back. I am a 72 year old grandfather who lives 3000 miles away from my grandchildren and don’t see them much. We don’t call on the telephone nor do we or they write. No notes…no greetings…no get well cards…no thank you notes. In other words, we are badly adrift and separated. I have the same problem with their parents (my two children) as we divorced when they were young and have been separated since by great distances.
    I need your daily prayers as I try and repair this breach. Thank you for your prayers! Thank you. Lee McVay

  • Dot & Luke says:

    Mr. McVay, I will pray for you. God desires to see you reconnect w/your family & He works in ways we cannot think or imagine. I admire you so much for trying to repair this breach.

    I want to pray more for my grandkids! It’s an ongoing desire!

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