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How to Cling to the Hand of Jesus?

By grandparenting 8 years agoNo Comments

Praying Grandparents are in a battle for the next generation, however the battle isn’t ours, it is the Lords. We read in II Chronicles 20:15, “Do not be afraid or discouraged . . . . For the battle is not yours but Gods.” The way to walk through this battle is to grip the hand of Jesus tightly and stay in close communication with him.  Empty open woman

It is only as we release our concerns for our grandchildren and their parents we are free to cling to the hand of Jesus. It is hard to cling to His hand when our hands are full of our concerns and worries, we need empty hands to hold His hand.

Imagine the impact in our world if Million Plus grandparents who are Prayer Warriors clinging to the hand of Jesus committing their grandchildren and their parents to Him.

In an attempt by secular humanists to develop a secular society, they have very strategically and very intentionally whittled away at our Godly heritage. Today it is urgent for grandparents to unite in mass numbers in prayer for the next generation.

If you are a grandparent and grasp the urgency for prayer and believe in the power of prayer I urge you to join the many who are signing up for the Million Praying Grandparents. When grandparents sign up they are declaring their commitment to pray intentionally for their grandchildren, their parents and outside influences.

As a way of saying thanks for that commitment, you will receive a free printable PDF download of a prayer resource of Scriptures to Pray to help you pray for their grandchildren using God’s Word.

To sign up go to www.millionprayinggrandparents.com

By Lillian Penner, Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network, lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net


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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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