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A Thanksgiving Idea for the Family Dinner

By grandparenting 10 years agoNo Comments

In the Northwest, we are seeing the last of the beautiful autumn leaves falling from the trees, which remind us, that the Thanksgiving holiday is OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAnear. Thanksgiving is a special time for families to get together, enjoy each other and the traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

It is a good time to think about the many blessings we have experienced during the past year. At our house, we have a traditional candle lighting activity as we go around the table sharing our special blessings for which we are thankful from during the past year. It is good way for the younger children to participate and to hear what the adults have experienced and for what they are thankful.

Today’s generation has taken its self-centered and self-absorbed cultural attitude to an unmatched level seeming to take pride in caring only about their needs and wants. Our grandchildren are growing up in this culture where they are mostly concerned about themselves.

Showing appreciation to others is of great importance in our relationships with others. We all need acknowledgment that we are of value. Appreciation brings a harvest of good feelings and blessings to us as encourage and show appreciation to others. “Appreciation is grateful recognition of the value, quality, or significance of a gift, deed, or person. It is the expression of gratitude. It is acknowledging the value of someone or something . . .  Other words for appreciation are acknowledgement, recognition, and thankfulness.” ¹

Let’s be an example to our grandchildren and encourage them to express their appreciation to others to experience the blessings of giving and receiving appreciation.

During this Thanksgiving season, give thanks to God for His faithfulness to you and the children and grandchildren He has given you. Send a note or a Thanksgiving card to express your appreciation to your loved ones for what they mean to you.

Dear Father, help me to be more aware to express appreciation to others,

especially my family members.

Help me to be an encourager by recognizing the character qualities

and achievements of my children and grandchildren.

 In Jesus’ name. Amen

 Note: I would appreciate it very much if you would share some of your Thanksgiving family traditions in the comments section.

¹ Used by permission, 12 Seeds, Norm Andersen; Minneapolis, MN. p 33.

Lillian Penner









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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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