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Have You Read about the Legacy of Lois?

By grandparenting 9 years agoNo Comments

“I have been reminded of your sincere faith,Grandmother and mother in living room with baby smiling which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, I am persuaded, now lives in you also”   II Timothy 1:5.

If Timothy’s grandmother Lois had not been faithful in passing on her faith to her daughter Eunice and grandson Timothy we would not have the books, I and II Timothy in the Bible today. This is a good generational example of the importance of passing on the faith to future generations. Lois is our forerunner who modeled grand mothering for us.

Isn’t it interesting that nowhere in the Bible does it say that the church has the primary responsibility to pass on our faith to the next generation? It makes clear that parents and grandparents are the principal conduit to instruct their children and grandchildren about God and his love for them.

Many grandparents are greatly concerned the parents of their grandchildren are not passing on the values and faith by which they were raised. Therefore, grandparents have a crucial role to fill, if faith is to found on earth when Jesus comes back for his own. Our demonstration of our love for the Lord and our prayers for our grandchildren is a powerful way to pass on our faith to them.

I think that Eunice had a lot of support from Lois in Timothy’s early years. The parents of our grandchildren have a great responsibility to parent our grandchildren in these insecure, unstable times we live in today. They are busy with their church activities, the children activities, chauffeuring the children and many are employed outside the home.

In today’s broken world, Satan’s purpose is to destroy the family. It is important that we, as grandparents pray God will give the mothers and fathers of our dear grandchildren wisdom, time management, and godly wisdom in their monumental task of guiding our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord.

Tell them you are praying for them and thank them for all they do for our grandchildren.

A couple of questions we can ask ourselves:

  • What am I doing to develop or enhance the quality of my grandchildren’s lives?
  • What am I doing to secure a relationship with my grandchildren to model my faith to them?

As grandparents, let’s ask God how he wants us to connect and nurture those dear grandchildren and model God’s love to them. Will they remember your monetary gifts or that you were their prayer warrior?

Lord, show me how to grandparent with a purpose in connecting

with my grandchildren and be the godly nurturing grandmother

you want me to be. In Jesus name, Amen

 In the book Grandparenting With a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren I give several suggestions of how Grandparents can intentionally pray for their grandchildren. (The book is available at www.grandparentingwithapurpose.com

By Lillian Penner

©Lillian Penner 2015


















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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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