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Check out these Resources for Grandparents-Baby Boomers and Beyond

By grandparenting 10 years agoNo Comments

Are you a new Baby Boomer grandparent or a grandparent looking for resources and/or suggestions to grandparent with a purpose? I am excited to share some resources and suggestions to help you with your grandparenting that Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) has available for you.

CGN is devoted to challenging Christian CGN logo FINAL Jan16,2013grandparents to live intentionally as representatives of Christ for future generations. It is committed to providing a network of resources and opportunities for grandparents to have powerful opportunities for inter-generational dialogue to strengthen grandparent-grandchild relationships and spiritual growth.

As the Prayer Coordinator for CGN, I have developed two prayers cards, which many have found helpful to intentionally pray for their grandchildren. Email me at lpenner@christiangrandparetning.net to obtain copies.

·      Scriptures to Pray for Your Grandchildren

·      Suggestions to Pray for Your Grandchildren in School: Preschool,

       Elementary, Teenagers, and College Students.

God has also given me the opportunity to write the book GRANDPARENTING WITH A PURPOSE: 

cover_smallEffective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. The book challenges grandparents to stand in the gap for their grandchildren by living a godly example and being their prayer warrior. It provides creative suggestions for prayers based on Scriptures, and other helpful tools’, utilizing everything from cell phones to photo prayer journals. This book is available at www.gdptpr.com.

CGN has proclaimed the second Sunday in September as Grandparents Day of Prayer, coinciding with National Grandparents Day GDoP color Jan2013designated by a Senate proclamation in 1978. It is a way of engaging grandparents to unite in an intentional day of prayer for their grandchildren. Many participants reported how they were blessed as they united in prayer with other grandparents with a common cause. I want to challenge you to participate in the next Grandparents Day of Prayer, in September 13, 2015, as grandparents worldwide will be praying for the next generation as they go back to school this fall.

It has been exciting for me to invite grandparents to participate in small groups called Grandparents@Prayer (G@P) to pray for their grandchildren. Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews, when they were threatened, GaP-logo-transparentlikewise grandparents can stand in the gap with prayer for their grandchildren today. G@P groups are meeting in many areas of the United States praying together for their grandchildren on a regular basis. If you would like some information or would like to become a part of a group go to www.christiangrandparenting.net/prayer for details.

Cavin Harper, Founder, and Executive Director of CGN wrote an excellent book for grandparents CG CVR 3D Colortitled, Courageous Grandparenting: Unshakable faith in a broken world. Cavin appeals to the emerging masses of Boomer grandparents to create a movement of godly men and women resolved to not let another generation grow up that does not know the Lord or His amazing grace. It is available on our CGN website.

Our Grand Camps for grandparents and their grandchildren are unlike any camp you have ever known. They offer a unique adventure and the opportunity to build lasting memories and milestones away from the distractions of life. This year we will have five camps, one in Colorado, Kansas, South Carolina, New York, Minnesota, and the list is growing.

CGN also provides many other resources for grandparents such as weekly blogs on their website by Cavin Harper, and myself (Grandparenting with a Purpose) www.gdptpr.com, mission trips for grandparents and grandchildren, seminars, and conferences for grandparents. Information about these resources can be found at www.christiangrandparenting.net. If you have any questions, please email me.

Blessed Grandparenting,

Lillian Penner

National Prayer Coordinator, Christian Grandparenting Network



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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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