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Are you Estranged from your Grandchildren?

By grandparenting 8 years ago2 Comments

Recently I received an email from a grandmother who was asking me to pray with her because she was estranged from her granddaughter. Her heart is broken, finding it very difficult to deal with the situation, like many grandparents do today.

Portrait of a sad senior couple in autumn park

When we reach the mid-life years of our lives we look forward to becoming grandparents and very excited when our first grandchild is born and the grandchildren that follow. However, today there are many grandparents with broken hearts because they are estranged from their grandchildren.

Being estranged from your grandchildren often results in many negative emotions. Sorting out exactly what you are feeling and developing an approach for dealing with your feelings can be vital for your health, both mental and physical. You will feel anguish as long as the separation lasts.

 God is still answering prayers, often it is not on our timetable, and so we have to ask for patience to wait until He is ready to answer. Sometimes, we have to wait in His waiting room while He is working in the hearts of our grandchildren and their parents. God’s timing is best.

I have found the Scripture verses in Romans 8:26-28 very helpful when I don’t know how to pray for my grandchildren and their parents. Paul writes, “The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us when we don’t know how to pray.” When I ask the Holy Spirit to make intercession for me according to God’s will, it keeps me from telling God how to answer my prayer, which I love to do. Ask the Holy Spirit to make intercession for your estrangement letting him carry the burden instead of you giving him your agenda.

Here are a couple of suggestions for estranged grandparents:

  1. Don’t stop trying to keep in touch. Send cards and letters to your grandchildren keeping the tone of any communication loving but light.
  1. Pray intentionally and regularly for your grandchildren and their parents. If you don’t know how to pray for them sign up to receive my blog regularly and I will send you “31 Scriptures to Pray for your Grandchildren” which you can download without cost and print.


Dear Father, I pray that you will give the estranged grandparents wisdom how to approach their separation from their grandchildren.     I pray your Holy Spirit will make intercession for them allowing you to carry our your agenda in your timing for their healing.  Encourage           them and give them peace as they intentionally pray and patiently wait for the parents to allow them to be a part of their lives again. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Imagine the impact on our grandchildren if Millions of Grandparents worldwide are intentionally praying for their grandchildren and their parents. If you grasp the urgency of our post-Christian culture today, then I urge you to signup for the Million Praying Grandparents.

When you join the Million Praying Grandparents Movement you are declaring your commitment to pray regularly for your grandchildren. It is time for grandparents to join in deliberate prayer for our grandchildren.

As a way of saying thanks for your commitment, you will receive a free downloadable, printable copy of a Million Praying Grandparents Prayer Resource to help you intentionally pray for your grandchildren using God’s Word.

Now you must make a decision:

For the sake of the hearts, minds and souls of your grandchildren, will you say, “YES I will join the Million Praying Grandparents movement?”  Go to the Million Praying Grandparents website http://www.millionprayinggrandparents.com and follow the instructions to sign up to be a part of the Million Praying Grandparents movement?

Lillian Penner, National Prayer Director, Christian Grandparenting Network, lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net





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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.


  • Mildred Trowbridge says:

    Love this idea& will join in. But question what if being estranged is due to no fault of the Gparent?? I have prayed& tried making amends with no luck. I will try anything.

    • Mildred,

      I am so sorry to hear that you are an estranged grandparent, along with so many others. Very often it is not the grandparents fault. I wish I had a great answer for you but only Jesus has the answer. Pray the Holy Spirit will make intercession for your grandchildren and their parents, He knows your heart, He knows the circumstances and He will answer in his timing. Ask God to give you wisdom in what you can do and ask God to give you peace as you are waiting for Him to answer your prayer.
      May God bless you as you continue to pray for them.
      Lillian Penner

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