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Triumph Over Trials

By grandparenting 6 years agoNo Comments

Guest blog by Kaylynn Gibbs

During the Easter season, we were reminded of the trials and tribulations Jesus endured before the triumph of His glorious resurrection. Are you going through bitter trials or sweet successes in your life right now? When family or friends are in the midst of a storm, the best place to go is to your quiet spot and talk to God. Within a family or among friends, when one hurts, we all hurt. Though it is difficult, we can take the bad with the good when we offer our hurts to God, pray for, and encourage one another. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Our Pastor said, “The storms of life are going to rock us, sock us and knock us down. But, if we are in the boat with Jesus, He will help us through.”(Mark 4:35-41) I like the proverbial phrase, “He will either calm the storm, or He will calm His child”. Here are more we’ve all heard. “Every cloud has a silver lining. Look on the bright side. It’s darkest just before dawn. April showers bring May flowers.” (In MN it’s April snowstorms!)

These phrases remind us that, in life, something good can come of something bad. Think of life as a chocolate cake. If you tasted each ingredient by itself, you would find far more bad tastes. Bake a cake with your grandkids. Have them take a tiny taste of each element alone. Then mix the ingredients, whip the batter, and put it through a “fire”. Then something delicious comes out!

Wacky Cake (From the Great Depression Era)

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the dry ingredients in an ungreased 8” square cake pan:
  • 1 1/2 Cups flour, 1/4 Cup baking cocoa, 1 Cup sugar, one tsp. Baking soda, 1/2 tsp. salt
  • Make three holes in the dry ingredients. Pour one of these liquid ingredients into each hole: 1 Tbsp. Cider vinegar, one tsp. Pure vanilla extract, 6 Tbsp. vegetable oil.
  • Pour 1 Cup water overall. Mix well until smooth. Bake on the middle rack of oven for 35 minutes.
  • Check with a toothpick to make sure it comes out clean. Do not over bake. Cool. Enjoy!

As you share the sweet results of the cake, share stories about times you have triumphed over your trials. Such as a storm in life that resulted in something beautiful, dark clouds where you discover a silver lining, troubles that went away with the brightness of dawn.

You can also share the book “That’s Good, That’s Bad” by Margery Cuyler. Even adult children will enjoy this. Make “That’s good/That’s bad” lists. Does the good in life outweigh the bad?

Here are some scripture prayers for when your grandkids are going through times of trial:

  1. John 12:27-28: Lord, just like Jesus endured His trials, help our grandchildren understand that we all have trials in life. May they always know that when their heart is troubled by the storms of life, they can call on You and Your name can be glorified through their trials?
  2. 1 Peter 4:12-13: Lord, help our grandchildren through the ordeals that test them. May they understand that there is nothing strange in suffering and that they should not be surprised? For if they suffer in the name of Christ, His glory is revealed.
  3. Romans 5:3-5: Lord help our grandchildren persevere through trials so that their suffering produces character which will create hope, as Your Love is poured out into their hearts, through the Holy Spirit.
  4. Romans 8:28: Lord God, help our grandchildren turn their trials into triumphs. May they see how You work all things for the good to those, who love You.
  5. Psalm 27:8: Lord, God, during their tough times, may our grandchildren seek Your face.
  6. Habakkuk 3:18: Lord, when everything seems to be going wrong, we pray that our grandkids will strive in the midst of their troubles, to rejoice in the Lord and be joyful in their God.
  7. Lord, may each trial my grandma friends and their families endure, turn into a glorious triumph. In Jesus Name, Amen

 Researched and written by Kaylynn Gibb ~ Thanks be to God and Pastor Klundt for your words!


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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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