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When a Baby is Born

By grandparenting 5 years agoNo Comments

Guest blog by Kaylynn Gibbs

As Christians, we spend the month of December in preparation to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus; from the announcement in Isaiah 9:6, to the birth story recorded in Matthew 1 and Luke 2.

The Bible is filled with many other interesting birth stories leading up to Jesus’ birth. Cain, Abel, Seth, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Orbed, Samuel, Solomon and John the Baptist, are just a few. “Five Significant Birth Stories” by Andrea Stunz looks at some of these births. It’s fun to reflect on them and the plans that God had for all those babies. Did their grandmothers have any idea what a big part they would play in the history of our Christian beliefs?

As grandmothers, we have experienced many births. The birth of our first grandchild is probably one of the most blessed events in a woman’s life. Yes, I realize it probably should be the birth of a first child, but I remember the labor that went along with that special event! My first grandchild, Claire, was born 10 years ago on December 3. Now that was an exciting day of pure pleasure!

As we anticipated the birth of our grandchildren, or when we held them for the first time, I’m sure we all had many dreams and plans for them. God did too, and He still does! Let’s thank Him for His plans.


Lord, God, You knew my grandchildren before they were born and You set them apart for a special appointment. I pray that no matter what age they are, they will recognize and fulfill the purpose for which they were born.  Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Galatians 1:15

God, I pray that You will reveal to my grandchildren, the plans that You have for their lives, through the things they love to do and the talents they are developing. May they seek Your will all their lives. Jeremiah 29:13

Lord, we thank You for our children and grandchildren who are a precious blessing from You.Psalm 127:3

If you are with grandchildren before Christmas, or for Christmas, you could plan a baby shower for Jesus. Everyone can bring a baby gift to unwrap. They canbe donated to a shelter in your area. If you aren’t together with grandchildren,

you could invite some friends and neighbors over for a Baby Jesus Shower.

I wish you all a Blessed and Love Filled Christmas!

Love, Kaylynn Gibbs



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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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