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Here’s how You Can Stand in the Gap with Prayer for your Grandchildren

By grandparenting 5 years agoNo Comments

A good friend focused my attention on Isaiah 60:1-2 as a word from the Lord for the New Year:  “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.  See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.”  

I can feel the invading darkness of evil that is like a heavy moral and spiritual fog infiltrating our nation at every level. At the very same time that our nation is enveloped in thick darkness, God commands us to arise, let our Light shine, and the distinctive glory of our Lord will be evident to all.  It is wonderful to know that God is in control and we read in his word in Psalms 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength”.

As grandparents let’s not let the enemy dull our desires to intentionally pray for our grandchildren and their parents. Prayer is our most strategic weapon. The enemy wants to disintegrate and divide our families, rendering them chaotic, restless, and unfruitful.I believe it’s our place to get on our knees, humble ourselves, seek God’s face, repent of our sin, and intercede for our nations, our children and grandchildren. Thenhaving done all, we stand firm in our faiththat God has heard and will answer our prayers according to His will.

Years ago, Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews when their lives were physically threatened. Today grandparents can stand in the gap with prayer for their grandchildren in the same way as their spiritual lives are threatened.   

There is an urgency for the power of prayer to keep the hearts and minds of our grandchildren from falling captive to the enemy’s deception and lies. We are engaged in a spiritual battle that requires the spiritual weapon of prayer.

As grandparents, we can make a significant difference in the world by praying regularly and intentionally for our grandchildren and their parents. We have an opportunity to join together to powerfully touch the lives of another generation.

Grandparent @ Prayer (G@P) intercessory prayer groups consist of small or large groups of people meeting once or twice a month for approximately one hour at a designated location for prayer and fellowship. Groups are meeting in retirement centers, schools, churches, and homes weekly.

I would like to invite you to become a part of a prayer group for grandparents to pray together for each other’s grandchildren and families. 

Now would be a great time to get started, just ask a few grandparents to join you, try it for a few months, and see what you think. Many grandparents have told me that they appreciate a safe place to share their concerns for their grandchildren. 

Recently a grandparent shared with me she had read my previous blogs about the Grandparents @ Prayer groups. She thought it would be a good idea and felt God speaking to her to sign up to start a group but hadn’t done so. If this has been your experience, please follow God’s voice will you sign up today you will not regret it.

Please go to https://www.christiangrandparenting.net/prayer/grandparents-prayer/participate-in-gapto sign up to receive some helpful information. We will also send you some prayer resources you can download free. 

By Lillian Penner, Prayer Coordinator, Christian Grandparenting Network, lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net

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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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