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Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren
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Have you started the 30-Day Prayer Challenge?

By grandparenting 5 years agoNo Comments

Christian Grandparenting Network and The Legacy Coalitionis making the National Grandparents Day a Month of special prayer for their grandchildren. Grandparents can impact the lives of their grandchildren through the power of prayer. 

It’s only 30 days until the National Grandparents’ Day. Today we are just in time to join many grandparents for the 30-day Prayer ChallengeI introduced a couple of weeks ago. The 30-Day Prayer Challengeequips grandparents to pray specifically, intentionally, consistently, diligently, and faithfully for their grandchildren for 30 days. 

I am sure you have been hearing and reading many headlines like these LEARN FROMPARENTS WHO FOUGHT TRANSGENDER ACTIVISTS AND LOST IN ARLINGTON, VA” or SCHOOL PUNISHES 6THGRADER FOR USING WRONG PROMOUN FOR TRANSGENDER STUDENT. School is starting soon and our grandchildren and their parents are facing many critical decisions.

I am thankful that as believers God has been given us a book of instructions on how to communicate with Him. I like to use His Word in my prayers, which are powerful and will not return void.I have found praying Scripture has changed my prayer life. I will share some Scriptures to pray later in this blog.   

Complete the Challenge with a couple of friends, use in it your small group, or share it with your church.  Commit and unite with other grandparents around the globe as we Pray with Purpose.

Dr. Josh Mulvihill, Executive director of church and family ministry at Renewanation says, “The Christian Grandparents Network recognizes the desperate moral and spiritual climate our grandchildren and their parents face today.  Our grandchildren face an aggressive attack in media, education, and social influence that is meant to desensitize and destroy their faith in Christ. Therefore, CGN is making the National Grandparents’ Day a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer. We are calling all grandparents throughout the world to fall on their knees in prayer. I am a parent of five children and know the urgency of grandparents praying for my children. I highly recommend you participate in the Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.”

To learn more about praying for your grandchildren intentionally with Scripture, click on https://christiangrandparenting.net/grandparents-day-of-prayer/. It will take you to the Grandparents Day of Prayer website where you can get involved where you can commit to 30 days of prayer on behalf of your grandchildren.  Scroll down the page for details to sign up.

A few Scriptures to Pray for your Grandchildren

Protection from the Enemy   (insert child’s name)

________ will be alert and watch out for the temptations from the enemy, standing firm in his/her faith. I Peter 5:8, 9 

Responsibility________ will learn to be responsible for his/her own actions and behavior. Galatians 6:5 

Salvation________ will believe that Jesus loves him/her and died for his/her sins so he/she can have a personal relationship with You and enjoy eternal life. John 3:16

Security_________ will always remember that You will never leave nor forsake him/her. Joshua 1:5

Self-control________will live in this evil world with self-control, right conduct, and devotion to God. Titus 2:12

Servant’s Heart________will develop a servant’s heart, serving wholeheartedly, as to the Lord and not men. Ephesians 6:7.

 Speech________ will keep his/her tongue from evil and keep his/her lips from lying. Psalm 34:13

Spiritual Growth___________will be rooted and built up in his/her faith, growing strong in the truth as he/she is taught. Colossians 2:7.

There are additional Scriptures to Pray for Grandchildren, Guidelines, testimonials, a video, and more available on the Grandparenting Day of Prayer website, https://christiangrandparenting.net/grandparents-day-of-prayer/

My prayer is that God will bless you richly as you pray for your grandchildren and their parents.

Lillian Penner, Coordinator for Grandparents Day of Prayer, lpenner@chrisrtiangrandparenting.net

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  (963 articles)

Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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